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Crosses for Cameron T-Shirts

  1. Click the DONATE button to purchase your T-Shirt

  2. Select the appropriate amount for item.

    1. T-Shirt $25​

  3. Under “Designate my donation for” choose the following.

    1. “$25 T-shirt Gift” to purchase a T-shirt

  4. Click “Add to Cart” button

  5. Click the "Checkout" button 

  6. In the “Special donation instructions” field enter in your T-shirt size

    1. Note: If you would like your T-shirt shipped, please increase your donation to a minimum of $30 and include your address in the “Special donation instructions” field.

  7. Click the “Continue to Payment” button

  8. Click the “Checkout as Guest” button

  9. Fill in your personal information

  10. Fill in your payment information

  11. Click the “Complete Payment” button

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