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Cameron's Legacy

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The Gift of Life

Cameron's organs have gone to the following recipients that the family has been made aware of.


Give yourself the chance to pass on hope to those in need by

registering to be an organ, eye, and tissue donor  today.

A donated heart helps people struggling with life-threatening heart failure, including congenital defects and valve dysfunctions.​


Cameron's heart beats inside of a 30 year-old Iowa man who spent 11 months in the hospital waiting for a glimmer of hope.

A donated kidney can make all the difference in the life of someone with kidney failure. Instead of spending several hours in dialysis three or four times a week, a kidney recipient can enjoy a healthier, happier life with a working kidney.


Cameron’s kidney revived an Iowa woman who had been on dialysis for years because of organ damaged sustained after her body’s natural immune response to severe burns. Her doctors weren’t hopeful she’d find a match at all.

A donated liver can save the life of someone with liver failure, which can happen suddenly or over time due to long-term illness or disease.


Cameron’s liver saved an Illinois mother of five from fatty liver disease that developed as a complication of her fifth pregnancy.

Donation of tendons can be used to rebuild joints. Patients injured by trauma or through arthritis or other diseases can benefit from restored mobility and can regain independence in daily activities.


Cameron's tendons were used in procedures for a 29 year-old male in Pennsylvania and a 41 year-old male in Colorado.

A cornea transplant involves replacing diseased or scarred corneal tissue with healthy tissue from a donor. Corneal eye disease, the fourth leading cause of blindness after cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration, affects over 10 million people globally.


Cameron's corneas restored the sight for two women residing in North Dakota and Minnesota. 

Donation of bone can be used to repair defects or fractures caused by severe trauma, cancer or other diseases. Bone tissue can be widely used to restore mobility, reconstruct limbs and rebuild jaws in dental procedures.


Cameron’s gifts of bone were used in procedures for a:

  • 77 year-old male in Florida

  • 76 year-old female in Florida

  • 70 year-old female in Florida

  • 53 year-old female in Florida

  • 64 year old male in Pennsylvania

  • 11 year old male in Washington (2 grafts)

  •  61 year-old female in New Jersey

"Now I have something positive that came out of something negative. Because without donation, all I would have is that he died in a car accident and his life is done.”


-Sarah Fisher via

Rocks For Life

Discover the inspiring collaboration between Terri Reed of Colorado Springs and Sarah Fisher of Horace, who have come together with a common purpose: spreading awareness about organ donation.


After tragically losing their 22-year-old sons, Travis Wagner and Cameron Bolton, both mothers have embarked on a mission to honor their sons' legacies. Reed began painting thousands of "Donate Life" rocks, which she strategically places across Colorado, while Fisher, inspired by Reed's initiative, has joined in by distributing rocks throughout Fargo and Horace. Their grassroots movement has gained nationwide attention, with people from all corners of the world requesting rocks to support their cause.


Reed emphasizes the profound impact of their endeavor, expressing her belief that even the smallest gesture can potentially save lives and encourage donor registrations. Fisher shares this sentiment, envisioning these rocks sparking crucial conversations about organ donation. Both women stress the importance of recognizing the contributions of blood, living, and deceased organ donors.


For more information on how you can become a donor, visit and


Join the movement and help spread the message of hope and healing through organ donation.

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Found a rock? Let us know!

Send us an email at or post to our facebook page @CrossesForCameron! We would love to see how far the word of donation can spread!


Cameron's Story

God's plan for Cameron's life unfolded on His schedule. While pregnant, I experienced premature labor three times before his arrival. Cameron entered the world on November 16th, three weeks ahead of schedule. Just a week after we brought him home, he was hospitalized due to dangerously high bilirubin levels. After a tense week in the hospital, I was finally able to bring my little boy home and watch him grow into a remarkable young man.


From an early age, Cameron was adventurous, energetic, and always on the move. He approached life with thoughtfulness, yet his vivacious spirit and fearlessness often kept us on our toes, especially as he pursued his love for fast-paced hobbies like snowmobiling, motocross, and racing remote-controlled cars. Naturally, as his mother, I constantly worried about his safety.


My deepest fears materialized on the evening of June 28th, when a call from a local sheriff changed everything. Arriving at the hospital that night felt surreal, like a nightmare I couldn't escape. I longed for reality to rewind—to return to before the accident. But there was no waking up from this. My son had been in a car crash and was declared brain dead. This was not the future I had envisioned for him, which included marriage, children, and a career in construction management. Yet, in the midst of heartbreaking loss, a miracle unfolded: Cameron was an organ donor. His decision meant that even in loss, he would give life to others.


While sitting by Cameron's side in the hospital, the most brilliant rainbow filled the sky, despite no rain. In that moment, it became clear—this was God's purpose for Cameron. Blessed with incredible qualities, his greatest was undoubtedly his generous heart. I believe God sustained Cameron post-accident so his heart could save another. That heart, so full of kindness, compassion, and boundless love, continues to beat in a 30-year-old man from Iowa today. His kidneys and liver are also giving new life to others in Iowa and Illinois, respectively.


Years have passed now, each day bringing new miracles through Cameron's gifts. His spirit endures, blessing others and bringing our family peace, knowing his purpose is fulfilled. In sharing his story, I hope to spread awareness and hope about organ donation. In Cameron's memory, we distribute crosses to those seeking solace.


If you receive one of these crosses, please share your story on my Facebook page, Crosses for Cameron, or with #crossesforcameron. I am eager to hear how Cameron's legacy has touched you.


With love,

Sarah Fisher


"Cameron impacted people he knew and those he didn't."
-Sarah Fisher, Cameron's Mother

Crosses For Cameron is a Proud Sponsor of a Ronald McDonald House Room in Fargo, North Dakota


The purpose of all guest rooms, including the one sponsored in honor of Cameron, is to keep families together and provide them with the comfort of home while their children receive medical care. This aligns with the mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities® of the Red River Valley, which offers a supportive, home-like environment for families during their child’s medical treatment, helping them stay close and maintain their wellbeing.


For more information, visit Ronald McDonald House Charities® of the Red River Valley.

Our Mission

Public Speaking

Our mission is to enrich the physical and emotional well-being of our community through educational, supportive, and hopeful initiatives centered around organ donation, the Garden of Healing and Rocks For Change.


If you would like us to speak at your organization, please reach out today!


Thank You!

Thank you so much for being part of the Crosses for Cameron and Garden of Healing stories. We would be nowhere without the love and support from our hometown community of Fargo, North Dakota. You make more of a difference than you know.


-Sarah & Arlin Fisher

Cameron's Scholarship

These are the winners of the first annual Crosses for Cameron Organ Donation scholarship. Candidates were asked to write and essay focused on organ donation. In the essay the candidates captured the impact of organ donations on organ recipients and their family.​


Alexa Rummel

Biology, Health, Medical Science

Grandmother received a kidney


Caleb Floam

Criminal Justice Major

Grandfather received a kidney


Madison Schoenberg

Psychology Major

Interviewed a kidney recipient

Lawson Kraft

Mechanical Engineer

Interviewed a heart recipient

Interested in applying?
Contact Us!

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We Need Your Support Today!


Cameron’s Gifts Touch Countless Lives


"Sarah lives with the heartbreak of loss, but she finds comfort in the good that resounds from Cameron’s life-enhancing gifts."



Changing Lives

One Rock at a Time


"Cameron Bolton's organs have helped 120 people and counting, even nearly five years after his death."

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